삶을 사랑할때, 글과 글

[스크랩] 미셀(Michelle Williams)헐리우드 여우들 겨울피서일광욕 마이애미비치

LEE MIN YOUNG 2007. 2. 3. 17:41

(미셀 윌리암스의 일광욕-시사랑사람들 제공)
Michelle Williams
본명-Michelle Ingrid Williams
출생 : 1980년 9월 9일
신체 : 키163cm
출신지 : 미국
직업 : 영화배우
대표작 : 미위다웃유, 랜드오브플렌티, 상상의영웅들,
브로크백마운틴, 스테이션에이전트


Murder on a Quiet Street

She was pretty, popular and pregnant with her second child. Now Michelle Young is dead, and her husband isn't talking to cops  (TUESDAY JANUARY 09, 2007 03:45 PM 타전) Who Killed Michelle? Michelle Young (with daughter Cassidy lastEaster) loved being a mother. "Cassidy is so kind and sweet and nurturing," says a friend, "all qualities that Michelle passed down to her." Photo by: Courtesy Fisher Family
출처 : 시사랑 사람들
글쓴이 : 시사랑사람들 원글보기
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